Trusted Tribe Signs UK Tech Talent Charter

Joining the Tech Talent Charter

In January, 2024 we committed to the Tech Talent Charter, a collective effort among signatory organizations to enhance diversity and inclusion in the UK’s tech workforce.

Addressing the UK’s Diversity Dilemma

  • The UK tech sector faces a significant ‘diversity dilemma’, as highlighted in Tech Nation’s report.
  • Statistics from the Tech Talent Charter reveal the extensive work needed to eliminate inequality.

The Current Landscape: A Statistical Overview

  • Only 16% of UK IT professionals are female, with a mere 10% of females taking A-Level computer studies.
  • 14% of the UK working population is BAME, yet only 8.5% hold senior tech sector roles.
  • Despite 19% of the UK workforce having a disability, just 9% of IT specialists in the UK are disabled.
  • Stats sourced from

Why Join the Tech Talent Charter Now?

Commitment to Growth and Diversity

  • Our aim is to nurture a diverse and inclusive team, constantly improving recruitment, retention, and progression.
  • As a growing startup, our diverse team in Cambridge and Bristol includes five nationalities and a range of skills from interns to senior engineers.

Our Approach to Diversity and Inclusion

  • “Trusted Tribe’s growth is intertwined with our core values of Diversity and Inclusion. We embrace global talent, supported by training programs, workplace development, value cultural contributions.”
Our Proactive Steps
  • Training staff and managers in the value and importance of D&I.
  • Integrating D&I into our recruitment practices.
  • Incorporating D&I questions in bi-annual surveys.
  • Promoting family-friendly, flexible working options.
  • Raising awareness about unconscious bias.

Our Ongoing Commitment

  • We are dedicated to sharing experiences and learning from our fellow Tech Talent Charter Signatories.

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