Trusted Tribe Signs Microsoft Pledge

Trusted Tribe is proud to affirm our commitment to the Microsoft Partner Pledge in the UK, continually focusing on making a significant social and environmental impact within our organization and the broader community.

The Partner Pledge, a collaborative initiative with Microsoft, emphasizes the importance of digital innovation as a tool for societal benefit. It aligns with our core values and encourages us to cultivate tech talent, foster diversity and inclusion, and contribute to a sustainable world.

Our Achievements in 2023: As we began in the last quarter of 2023, Trusted Tribe has launched impactful initiatives aligned with the three pillars of the Partner Pledge: talent growth, diversity and inclusion, and sustainable development.

  1. Launch of the ‘Women in Tech’ Employee Resource Group (ERG): This inclusive group aims to promote women’s advancement in the IT industry. Our notable achievements include:
    • Enhanced maternity pay policies.
    • Support for work-life balance through flexible and remote working options.
  2. Future Objectives:
    • Aiming for at least 40% female workforce by 2030, with an interim goal of 30% by 2025.
    • Engagement with female-owned consultancy firms to attract more female talent.
    • Enhancing female representation and retention in senior management.
  3. Focus on Early Career and Wellbeing: Development of interest groups around menopause awareness and early career growth.
  4. Educational and Certification Achievements: Leveraging Microsoft’s resources, we’ve secured numerous Azure and Modern Work certifications, fostering talent growth.
  5. Environmental Initiatives:
    • Transitioning to energy-efficient technologies across several sites, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Partnering with global reforestation and marine protection efforts, offsetting our carbon footprint.

Looking to 2024: As we progress, our focus for 2024 includes:

  • Further reducing our carbon footprint and aiding our customers in their sustainability endeavors.
  • Continual reduction of data center usage, aligning with the Microsoft Datacenter Optimization initiative for a cloud-centric business model.
  • Ongoing investments in gender equality, with an emphasis on graduate schemes and apprenticeships.

Trusted Tribe’s Future Vision: Excited about our collaboration with Microsoft, we eagerly anticipate amplifying our contributions to the Partner Pledge in 2024.

Trusted Tribe remains dedicated to leveraging technology for positive change, driving innovation, and nurturing an inclusive and sustainable future.

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