
Community Opinions

The views and opinions expressed in our Community or on this website are those of the authors and do not reflect Trusted Tribe's opinions or those of its owners, board members, employees, contractors, associates, or instructors. While we source information from reliable sources, we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Trusted Tribe and its authors are not liable for errors, omissions, or any damages arising from the use of our publications. Our published works are for informational purposes only and should not replace professional instruction or services

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Trusted Tribe is not responsible for the content of external websites linked from our publications. We do not endorse the opinions or materials on these sites. Our publications, including links to third-party sites, are provided "AS IS" without warranties of any kind.

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All rights to content in Trusted Tribe publications are reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, storage, transmission, or distribution of our materials is prohibited without written permission, except as permitted by law.

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Use of the Trusted Tribe website constitutes agreement to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies. We reserve the right to modify these Terms and conditions, with continued use indicating acceptance of changes.

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Materials on the Trusted Tribe site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Use of the site is for personal, noncommercial purposes only. Written permission is required for any reproduction or distribution of site content.

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Copyright Infringement

Notices of copyright infringement should be sent to Trusted Tribe's designated agent with detailed information as required by law. DCMA filings must be in writing and submitted under penalty of perjury.

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Trusted Tribe and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising from the use of the Site or third-party sites linked to our Site.

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Trusted Tribe is not responsible for third-party products or services sold through or linked from our Site.

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Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information and password on the Trusted Tribe website.

External Site Links

Trusted Tribe is not liable for content, products, or services on third-party sites linked from our publications.

Changes to Terms

Trusted Tribe may update these disclaimers and terms at any time. Continued use of our publications or website signifies acceptance of these changes.

For detailed terms and conditions regarding the use of the Trusted Tribe website, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

System Security

Trusted Tribe makes every reasonable effort to protect our systems from unlawful use. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures, considering the state of the art. However, we are not liable for any loss arising from unlawful use of our systems by third parties.

Accessibility Issues

Our team is dedicated to ensuring our website's accessibility, even for users with disabilities, and continuously works on improvements. The website is built according to the WCAG 2.1 level AA guidelines. If for some reason you find any aspect of our website that needs improvement for accessibility, please contact us and we will correct it. If you encounter accessibility issues on our website, please contact us for assistance.

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